Tall Girls Problems
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Have you ever be in a situation where you're lacking of self confidence?
Well.. I think we're on the same track then..Well, not really since I'm not that tall .. I'm just 5'4 feet tall whereas the people around me are more likely to be shorter than me. I've always have the urge to wear heels and I've been craving to wear heels in my University life since like I'm 14 (now I'm 20) .. But the fact that I have shorter friends and even my boyfriend is quiet shorter than me really made me feel insecure about this. So I've decided to stay away from heels and tall platforms or creepers such as.
Well.. I think we're on the same track then..Well, not really since I'm not that tall .. I'm just 5'4 feet tall whereas the people around me are more likely to be shorter than me. I've always have the urge to wear heels and I've been craving to wear heels in my University life since like I'm 14 (now I'm 20) .. But the fact that I have shorter friends and even my boyfriend is quiet shorter than me really made me feel insecure about this. So I've decided to stay away from heels and tall platforms or creepers such as.