YouTube or Blog?
Saturday, March 23, 2019Hi, Assalamualaikum everyone!
As for today's post, as written just like the title itself, I've been thinking this for quiet some time for making myself another new "thing" to commit. If ya'll been following me on my Twitter, I've been ranting on commitments and my lazyness to keep myself to post stuff at least every week . Ya I know, its been years since I've keep mentioning on posting stuff on youtube and I didnt. hmm..
I'll try and I'll make it happen since I've been always wanted to share stuff to the world and doing the stuff I like..
I'm a little bit too sleepy right now to share to write stuff. I did made a video of me chatting on how my interview for my first actual job went but sadly the software I used is needed to be payed because it had this HUGE watermark in the middle which turns me off! Damn it.
I wont be posting it on YouTube but I'll just post the video here as a proof that I did my job editing the video:
damn it. I had to post it on YouTube then..
I'll make it as an unlisted video then~